Spend now, spend later - but set intentions for both.

Am I spending too much? Am I spending money on the right things? How do I know if I'm doing it right?

Here's the thing: saving is important. But it's easy to get overwhelmed when thinking of all your savings goals. After all, there are plenty of reasons for wanting to save money, including:

  • Emergency fund

  • Travel

  • Retirement

So take a breath and start by defining your values. Write down what's important to you, both near and long-term. Reframe your spending in terms of what you are providing for - or taking from - Future You. Then, start mapping your values to money goals by considering how much money you will need and when you'll need it.

Then do an audit of both "small wins" (Can you find a cheaper internet provider or cut out that subscription pet product box?) and things that may feel like more of a sacrifice (Can you pause or cancel your gym membership and exercise outdoors instead?). 

Spending with intention is simply connecting your spending with your values and goals. And like everything else, spending doesn't have to be thoughtful 100% of the time - no one's perfect! - but the practice of attaching your dollars to your Future Self is well worth it in the long run.

Get into the finer points of intentional spending:

How to Practice Intentional Spending

6 Simple Rules To Spending Intentionally

How To Manage Your Money Intentionally

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